Notification of C+K LOC Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Calderdale and Kirklees LOC will be held on the 1st May 2024 at the Briar Court Hotel, Birchencliffe, starting at 6.00pm.
This year, we have arranged a buffet meal to encourage more networking and time for socialising. Soft refreshments will be available on the table and wine will be offered during the meal. This will be followed by the Anthony Gill Memorial Lecture, presented this year by Moin Valli on behalf of the Outlookers charity.
The Agenda for the AGM is below, the Chair’s Report and the Examined Accounts will be given at the meeting. Please note if you have any questions on the accounts, please could you submit it to the Treasurer - treasurer.ckloc@gmail.com - by 17th April. Any questions for the committee regarding other matters should be submitted to the secretary – secretary.ckloc@gmail.com - also no later than 17th April.
We hope that as many local contractors and performers as possible will attend the meeting to hear all about the LOC’s activities in the past year, so please mention this to all your colleagues.
Under the new constitution every year is now an election year for the Committee; attached is a nomination form. If there are more nominations than places, an election will be held at the AGM. The LOC are always glad of new interest in our work and younger members of our profession are always welcome to attend and observe meetings with a view to becoming representatives of the profession as members of the LOC.
Four members will be retiring by rotation and standing for re-election. Two places on the committee will be available. Please fill in the attached nomination form if you are eligible and would like to stand and return by 17th April. Please confirm your intention to attend the AGM by completing this form by 17th April. After this date you may register to attend the AGM but will not be able to participate in the meal.
Yours sincerely,
Rachel Dixon (CKLOC Secretary)